Community New Moon Gatherings
All are welcome to join the new moon circles. Key things to note about these gatherings:
- These gatherings are free or by donation. All donations will go to the person leading the gathering. Please bring CASH if you would like to donate.
- The goal of these gatherings is to build local community, to honour ourselves, each other and nature, and to strengthen love and give gratitude so all life may flourish. And of course to celebrate the new moon.
- Each gathering will take place outside, so they are weather permitting. There will likely be bugs. :)
- Please bring a blanket, yoga matt (for the July & Sept gatherings), bug spray or bug hats, chair, or whatever you need to feel comfortable. We will be sitting on the ground for most gatherings.
- The last 30 minutes will be for social time. If you feel inclined, please bring a snack to share. There will be cold tea available, so please bring yourself a cup.
- REGISTER via email. Just to let me know you are coming. Recognizing that commitment to attending free events can be low, I ask that you please commit fully out of respect for the teachers, some of whom are driving an hour to offer their evening with us. We are offering these workshops to bring joy and healing into people's lives, and so we would like to see them full.
- Please avoid bringing your pets. We have poultry that are not used to dogs, and lots of small seedlings and freshly grafted trees that can be easily damaged by accidental bumps and paw traffic.
- PARKING: Is in the lower field, just south of the yellow brick school house at Concession 24 and Centre Road in Lake Charles. Please drive into the field entrance to park, or park on the road here. We will meet there and then walk to the gathering location together. Mapquest 'Rooted By the Bluffs'.
- Due to early sunset in October, this event will be held at the house. Please park there, which is the driveway at the top of the hill, on the right. Mapquest 'Rooted By the Bluffs'.
Looking forward to gathering with you!